With the promotion and application of biogas power generation, is there a high demand for biogas generator sets in the market now? This may be a concern for many people. Biogas incineration power generation is a biogas application technology that has emerged with the continuous construction of large-scale biogas digesters and the widespread use of biogas. It uses the biogas generated by anaerobic treatment on the generator and is equipped with a large-scale power generation device to generate electricity. Biogas power generation has the characteristics of efficiency, energy saving, safety, and environmental protection, and is a widely distributed and inexpensive distributed power source.
我国沼气发电有30多年的前史,在“十五”期间研制出20~600kW纯燃沼气91香蕉视频下载IOS系列产品,气耗率0.6~0.8m0/kw h(沼气热值 ~>21MJ/m0)。但国内沼气发电研讨和运用商场都还处于不完善阶段,特别是适用于我国广阔村庄区域小型沼气发 电技术研讨更少,我国村庄偏远区域还有许多地方严峻缺电,如牧区、海岛、偏僻山区等高压输电较为困难,而这些区域却有着丰厚的生物质质料。如能量体裁衣地展开小沼电站,则可扬长避短就地供电。
China has a history of more than 30 years in biogas power generation. During the "Tenth Five Year Plan" period, a series of pure combustion biogas generator sets with a power consumption rate of 0.6-0.8m0/kw h (biogas calorific value~>21MJ/m3) were developed, ranging from 20 to 600kW. However, the domestic market for research and application of biogas power generation is still in an imperfect stage, especially for small-scale biogas power generation technology research applicable to vast rural areas in China. There are still many remote areas in China with severe power shortages, such as pastoral areas, islands, and remote mountainous areas where high-voltage power transmission is difficult, but these areas have abundant biomass materials. If the energy source is used to develop a small biogas power station, it can leverage its strengths and avoid weaknesses for on-site power supply.
Although China's biogas generator sets have begun to take shape, the proportion of biogas power generation utilization is relatively low, and there is huge room for advancement. The biogas produced in biogas projects in European and American countries is fundamentally used for power generation or purification to replace natural gas; In China, industrial enterprises use biogas as boiler fuel, while farm biogas is used as cooking fuel for breeding canteens. Most of the biogas is not well utilized, and there is also a large-scale venting of biogas in landfills, with a landfill gas reuse rate of less than 20%.
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